
15 Movie Lines That Were So Good They Made the Cut – You Won’t Believe #8!

3. “I Need A Vacation” – Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)

In the first Terminator film, the T-800 was portrayed as relentless and terrifying. But in the sequel, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character had a chance to show a more humorous side. Known for his one-liners, Schwarzenegger improvised one of the funniest lines in the movie. After being beaten to a pulp by the T-1000, the T-800 turns to John Connor and groans, “I need a vacation.” It added a touch of humor to the intense action.

4. “I’m Walking Here!” – Dustin Hoffman (Midnight Cowboy)

In “Midnight Cowboy,” Dustin Hoffman had an unexpected encounter while filming on the streets of New York City. When a taxi almost hit him, Hoffman’s natural reaction was to slam his hand on the taxi’s hood and exclaim, “I’m walking here!” It was a genuine and angry outburst that ended up being one of the film’s most memorable lines.

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