Zee TV Written Update

Bhagya Lakshmi Upcoming Story: Malishka plants a seed of vengeance in Balwinder’s mind

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Bhagya Lakshmi is a popular show on Zee TV that has been captivating viewers with its intriguing storyline. In the latest episode, Shalu and Bani file a complaint against the doctor. They visit the police station and inform the officer that Lakshmi has gone missing from the asylum. The sisters suspect that the doctor is responsible for Lakshmi’s disappearance.

The police apologize to Virendra and inform him that they haven’t been able to locate Lakshmi. Rishi speculates that someone might have helped Lakshmi escape from the asylum for financial gain. The doctor denies the accusations made by Rishi, leading to a heated exchange. Eventually, the police and the doctor leave the scene.

In the upcoming episode, viewers can expect Malishka to remind Balwinder about the harm caused to his life by Rishi and Lakshmi. She encourages Balwinder to seek revenge against them. Neelam questions Rishi about Lakshmi’s need for medical treatment and expresses concern about her well-being. Rishi assures her that Lakshmi will receive the necessary treatment from the comfort of their home.

Meanwhile, Balwinder insists that Lakshmi belongs to him and expresses his desire to take her away. Malishka remarks to Sonal that Balwinder is incredibly greedy and will go to any lengths for money. Balwinder meets Rano and expresses his intention to take Lakshmi with him. Malishka suggests that they should celebrate tonight, hinting at an impending event.

What will unfold in the next episodes? Will Rishi be able to thwart Balwinder’s plan?

All of these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes. Stay tuned to BtownMagic.com for the latest updates on your favorite show.


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